National Cookie Day: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

By Poornima Sriram

Image Courtesy: Super Simple Songs 

Come on, no one is to be blamed here, because it is that time of the year. 

Get ready to refill your cookie jars, no matter what. 

It’s National Cookie Day on December 4th! It’s all about giving and sharing thanks to the Dutch for bringing koekie – meaning ‘little cake’, to North America and making everyone fall in love with its thin, flat, crunchy and sometimes chewy nature. 

Cookies can be included in your daily snack routine as they can fall under the category of a good diet plan. When you think about the recipe of this all-time favorite tasty and healthy snack, you may think of all the butter and sugar. In reality, these ingredients also have health benefits for your body to stay fit and healthy. 

Now, close your eyes and think about the lip-smacking cookie flavors. Do you see any vision of your favorite cookie dancing in your head? Scroll down to gather ideas to help you get the cookie party started, let’s celebrate! 

Image Courtesy: Pixabay 

Here’s what you can do on a cookie day: 

1. Bake cookies 

Indulge yourself in baking some cookies and add sprinkles to make them wonderful. Most importantly, decorate them! 

Image Courtesy: Pixabay 

2. Visit a local Bakery (Find freebies) 

Take a trip to your local bakery for some of their fresh-baked treats. Who knows, you might even be supporting a small local business. 

Don’t be surprised if you find some stores or restaurants giving away free goodies or offering special discounts on this special day. The best news is; calories don’t count on National Cookie Day! 

Image Courtesy: Pixabay 

3. Charity bake off – Sell your treats for a good cause 

Choose an organization or cause that’s personal, meaningful, and local. Gather like-minded bakers. Ask friends. Post on social media. Put up a flyer in the library. 

Reasons to love cookies 

Does this really need elaboration? Cookies are everyone’s favorite, bringing back fond memories filled with nostalgic moments. Love for cookies has never left us! 

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