St. James Town Community Corner has impacted me positively, says Amruta Jadhav

Adewunmi Agunloye

By: Adewunmi Agunloye

St. James Town Community Corner has impacted me and my family positively and it is a must place to visit for assistance if you are a newcomer to Canada and want to quickly integrate into Canadian lives.

That is how Amruta Jadhav, an immigrant from India who is presently a homemaker, aptly described St. James Town Community Corner.

Jadhav, who lives in the St. James Town Community disclosed that coming to The Corner with her two kids has benefited their family immensely inthe area of health and wellness, education and socialization.

According to her, coming to The corner enabled her to gain more confidence and improved her English language through a series of activities and programs she attended at The Corner at 200.

” Before coming to St. James Town Community Corner, I lacked confidence, but after my visit to the corner, I was exposed to many activities, now I have more confidence through interacting with different people”.

” Frankly speaking, attending English Classes at The Corner have improved my communication, because now I am able to speak good English compared to when I arrived here in Canada”.

” I like St. James Community Corner because they help newcomers to Canada integrate quickly. Also, any problem that you have as a newcomer to Canada whenever you pay a visit to The Corner, it is completely solved”.

Coming to The Corner, we are able to find a family doctor and my two kids are enrolled in Sciences Class and Piano Playing Lessons. ” We are happy every time that we are at St. James Town Community Corner,” Jadhav said.

Generally, myself and my family have benefited from coming to The Corner. She concluded.    

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